Palm Thatch Roof Panels 50 x 100 cm
Experience the tropics in your own backyard
Finished with bamboo slats for extra strength
Easy to trim and resize
Easy to install
Bring the tropics to your garden with our easy to install 70 x 100 cm thatched roof panels. Our hatched roof panels are made from palm leaves (Nipa) which is a very renewable resource and offers unbelievable insulation properties that surpasses most modern roofs today.

Palm thatch has been used as a roofing material for bamboo houses, tiki bars, pergolas, outdoor umbrellas, gazebos, garden structures, palapas or tropical huts. Panels are easily installed to surfaces or supports by stapling and overlapping them just like any roof shingle.
Use them anywhere you need some tropical flair, around a counter, bar, tables, existing roofs, just use your imagination.
The length of the palm leaves in each thatch panel is approximately 50-60 cm.
No chemical preservatives are ever used on our palm thatch. Palm leaves are simply woven around treated bamboo slats.
Palm leaf thatch has a natural life span of about 3-5 years depending on the climate and can last up to 8-10 years in dry climates.
How to install palm thatch roof panels?
Secure panels with staple gun, screws or even wire ties against any flat horizontal or vertical surfaces or supports.
Place the panels every 10 to 15 cm. The closer the overlap the better the protection from the sun, rain and wind.
Customize the width of the panels by just cutting the bamboo slats. The palm leaves can be trimmed with scissors if needed or desired.
If using panels indoors, we recommend spraying a fire retardant on them.